Study trips

I had the opportunity to be part of the thatching team at Mélanie and Sébastien’s house –2m26 studio. A phone call... a touch of madness on both sides! And a week later there I was!

by François

Nous avons eu la chance d’aller en Chine pour représenter l’Union Rempart et co-encadrer techniquement et pédagogiquement des bénévoles chinois·es et français·es sur 2 chantiers.

Échafaudage parapluie pour la pose du chaume
by Jocelyn

In Pembrokeshire in south-west Wales, I had the pleasure of learning from Alan Jones, a Welsh master thatcher specialising in traditional techniques. He was involved in thatching and framing a small cottage a few miles from the cliffs of the Irish Sea.